How to Coach Yourself and Others Beware of Manipulation | Page 234

7.2 Are you the manipulative kind yourself? Source: The Times of India We have just the test for you to find out where you fit in... 1. You ask your friend to look after your rabbit for the weekend, but you know she's not keen on it, so... 1. 2. 3. 4. You promise to do her a favour in return You plead that it's a favour, just this once... You buy her flowers if she accepts, as you are aware that she was not keen on it It's unfortunate that she let you down, you'll have to find someone else to take care of your pet in your absence 2. You want to borrow your friend's beautiful green dress for a party... 1. 2. 3. 4. You ask her directly about it, without batting an eyelid You invite her to the party You hope she says yes You tell her that the dress does not suit her 3. You and your partner are planning to see a movie, but you want to see the latest Ranbir Kapoor flick in town... 1. 2. 3. 4. You mention it to him, but also let him know of the other releases in town You keep raving about the reviews you've heard of the film, till he takes the cue You let him know that you are keen to see the film, but it's okay if he doesn't want to You make a deal with your partner that this time they watch the film you want to see, the next time they watch a film of his choice 4. A colleague asks you a question by email... 1. 2. 3. 4. You don't reply straight away You reply instantly You reply as they'll then be obligated to return you the favour someday You reply as soon as you get time from the task at hand 5. You want to take a break, but your company is in midst of the peak period for business... 1. You remind your boss that last year you worked around the same time, when others were on leave 2. You insist that you need a break or you'll fall ill 3. You say that you'll make up for your absence with overtime after leave 4. You cross your fingers that he gives you permission to take a leave 6. You are on a train or plane, and you find the window seat taken... 1. You request the person occupying the window seat to exchange the seat with you if they don't mind 2. You tell the passenger you feel sick and need to sit by the window 3. You ask to exchange seats, by offering them the latest video game to play on 4. You wait, hoping to get a free seat Results: Draw the line, you can be quite manipulative 233