How to Coach Yourself and Others Beware of Manipulation | Page 169

58. Commitment Devices Commitment devices are tricks played on oneself or other people in order to increase commitment to some action, belief, etc. This can be as creative and extreme as needed -- the only measure is whether the method is successful. A classic technique is to make commitment or not visible in some way, for example putting a graph of you weight or the number of bottles of wine consumed on the wall. Another method is to make your commitment public, so you will be embarrassed if you break the commitment. Asking others to check up on you is a similar principle. Example Leavitt and Dubner (2007) give the rather gross example of a Los Angeles slimmer who bought lifelike plastic models of human body fat from a medical-supply company and put them on display in her kitchen. 'Mutually Assured Destruction' (MAD) is a commitment device that has prevented nuclear war, as any nuclear power knows that to attack another is to also suffer devastating attack. The principle also applies in less significant settings. Why it works There are many times we want to do something but we fail to do so, from losing weight to completing college assignments on time. We easily forget, procrastinate or otherwise find excuses not to stick to commitments. Commitment devices are methods to help us stick to the commitments we have made, even if they are just to ourselves. The basic principle of a commitment device is to make failure to sti 6