How to Coach Yourself and Others Beware of Manipulation | Page 134

29. Brandishing anger: Manipulator uses anger to brandish sufficient emotional intensity and rage to shock the victim into submission. The manipulator is not actually angry, he or she just puts on an act. He just wants what he wants and gets "angry" when denied. E Yumei, negative-emotions-anger/ Source: Feigning Negative Emotions: Anger - By Demian Righteous anger and of coming from a place feigned indignation and strength. But in truth all indignation can be feigned. Instead of weakness, like is the case with feigned fear, righteous anger appear to come from manipulation comes from weakness. Feigned indignation and used for distraction, control righteous anger is a multipurpose weapon and punishment. Abusers will often act indignant or shocked at being held accountable. They act as if they are wounded by any assertion or question of wrongdoing. They claim to have no idea what you’re talking about or they’re indignant that you perceived it wrongly. Even if they are as guilty as can be, their indignant response leads others to believe they are innocent or causes them to back down. But this anger is not real. It’s a sham. They may be angry, but it’s not for what they claim. They may be angry because you just got too damn close to the truth. They may be angry because you have the nerve to challenge their entitlement to do whatever they want. They may be angry because they feel guilty, and they are angry at you for making them feel that way, not for doing anything for which they should feel guilty. But they won’t admit to that anger. T