How Mentalists Read Your Mind The Art Of Cold Reading or Mind Reading | Page 87

own intuition is that you often know the phone is going to ring before it does, and maybe even know who is calling. So yes, you definitely do have some intuitive abilities.” WHAT IS THE BEST ASTROLOGICAL SIGN FOR MY MATE? “For most people, a person with the opposite zodiac sign will make the best mate. That means Aquarius and Leo, Pisces and Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius, Libra and Aries, Taurus and Scorpio, and Cancer and Capricorn, are the best suited to each other. WILL I EVER LOSE MY EXTRA WEIGHT? “We all have untapped potential. Scientists say Einstein only used a small portion of his brain. We can accomplish anything we put our mind to. The only limitations in life are those we impose on ourselves. The first step is to visualize yourself as the person you want to become. See yourself as this thinner, more vibrant and energetic person. Think of how good you’ll feel when you need a smaller dress size (or run out of notches on your belt). You can lose the weight if you want to, but you must change your mindset so you view food as fuel that runs your body. That’s all it is. We get into trouble when we eat for comfort or for emotional reasons. When you’re ready to make the commitment, talk with your doctor about it. He’ll have some good insights and help make sure you are able to lose the amount of weight you want without damaging your health. The power to lose your extra weight is within you.” IS MY HUSBAND OR BOYFRIEND BEING UNFAITHFUL? “My impression is that while your intuition is normally good, at times you may be overly suspicious. I think your husband may try to give you the impression that women are coming on to him, when they are not. I sense he is a bit of a tease and likes to flirt in this respect. My first impression, which is usually quite good, is that it is unlikely that he is being unfaithful. I think you need to keep an