How Mentalists Read Your Mind The Art Of Cold Reading or Mind Reading | Page 80

Chapter 12 Model of a Reading: My friend, please be seated. I am glad that you have taken this opportunity to consult with me, because I definitely feel that I can touch upon the conditions that trouble you, and help you overcome this situation. At the present time, you are troubled and of a confused mind. You don't appear to know whether exactly which way to turn, and you realize that soon you will have to make an important decision. Right now, situations do call for a clear thinking and logical decisions. I see you walking down a path - may I suggest that it is a lonely path, because you walk alone with your thoughts. The path divides into two paths – and you don't know which to follow. Things are not progressing so well for you domestically and in financial affairs. In a manner of speaking you seem to be held back - always just short of your goal. For your efforts and energy expended, you do not feel you are making the proper progress. You feel that circumstances surrounding you are not favourable or evil, and you want to throw off this yolk, and express your true self. I do see others about you - many people, most of whom you can regard as true friends. However, there is ONE person that stands out. This person seems to have a great deal of influence over you and that is the source of some of your worry and anxiety." However, let me say that worry never remedied any situation, only makes it worse. It is going to be necessary that we reach the bottom of this trouble, carefully analyze it and put you on the straight path. This disturbing element has caused you much frustration, delays and uncertainties in your pathway. Your personal magnetism is