How Mentalists Read Your Mind The Art Of Cold Reading or Mind Reading | Page 66

Chapter 10 How to get amazing results Do you have what it takes to be a psychic? Fact is, some people hardly understand what is driving other people, whereas others connect easily to other people’s mind. Chances are that you are an empathic person to some degree and at least genuinely interested in people. Otherwise you wouldn’t even bother to read this. Being empathic isn’t enough though: you need to have good observational skills and must be willing to exercise them in order to enhance your psychic power. A basic knowledge of the facts of life and of the laws of probability can be of much help too. Here’s what Ian Rowland says: "We are all much less unusual than we think we are. People are often amazed at what a psychic can 'see' in the cards about their early life. What they don't realise is that he give the same account to everyone. For instance, most of us have had one serious accident or know someone who has. And many of us have had a relationship where distance was a problem, and so on. "Also people tend to do certain things at certain times in their life. So to a man in his forties I would say, ‘something that used to be important to you when you were a child has been coming back into you life.' That's because men of that age have the money to indulge