How Mentalists Read Your Mind The Art Of Cold Reading or Mind Reading | Page 52

5 “I am right, but it’s embarrassing.” Example: “And as regards your grandfather … mmm … there was a problem with the law, wasn’t there?” IF REJECTED: “… Actually, he may have kept rather quiet about it, and never told you. Sort of kept it ‘hush hush’ … I don’t think there’s any need to dwell on it.” 6 “I am wrong now, but I will be right soon.” The rejection is attributed to the fact that the truth will not become evident for some time Example: “--- Well, watch out for a person by this name, because it’ quite a definite impression, so this name is bound to come up very soon. All right?” 7 “I am wrong in fact, but right emotionally.” Accept you were wrong in terms of plain fact, but claim that you were right in terms of the client’s inner needs, wants or desires.” Example: “You used to have your hair long when you were younger, didn’t you?”IF REJECTED: “Ah, but you wanted to wear it long, didn’t you?” This kind of modification often results in a partial agreement, which salvages the miss and converts it into a near-hit.