How Mentalists Read Your Mind The Art Of Cold Reading or Mind Reading | Page 39

B/ Prompting for Factual Information: 5 X W + H Who – what – where – when – why – how AFTER REVEILING SOME IMPRESSION, FEELING, SENSE, SIGN,... Examples - So, who might this refer to? What might this link to in your life? What period in your life might this relate to? How might this be significant to you? Can you see why I’m getting this impression? 3 The Veiled Question Is a request for information, worded to sound like a statement. - The psychic acts as if giving information, when in fact he is extracting it. Examples Instead of asking “Does your work involve traveling?” The psychic can say: “I’m picking up a vague impression here of traveling… but also of work. I don’t know if this is now or sometime in the past; but feel this is something you can relate to.” Everybody faces large financial purchases at some time: a house, a car, some large electric device, … so instead of asking, you can say: “There’s an indication here that has to do with money. Some sort of decision that could have consequences for quite some time to come.” 4 The Extended Veiled Question Weave a web of words so comprehensively as to snare the client the illusion that you are telling, and not asking. 35