How Mentalists Read Your Mind The Art Of Cold Reading or Mind Reading | Page 33

Examples: “If I focus on the domestic aspect of life, I’m getting impressions of activity – and quite a lot of effort. I sense some strain – both in the physical and in the mental sense - , of trying to make things right, to sort out clutter and impose some sense of order, of tidiness – I’m getting a sense here of a very energetic aura, but also of some fatigue…” “There are influences here of something that happened around Christmas or New Year. There was sort of – you haven’t forgotten this – something that went wrong – maybe your dress snagged just as you were about to go out, or an incident with one of the guests …” 8 The Opposites Game The psychic first suggests that there is someone whom the client does not get along with, then describes someone imaginary who would be the exact opposite of the client. IF THE CLIENT SEEMS Reserved and formal Authoritative and outspoken Dynamic and active Optimistic and joyful Warm and sensitive 9 THEN DESCRIBE SOMEBODY carefree and casual timed and sheepish lazy and passive depressive and negative cool and distant Childhood memory This is a character statement based on common experiences of childhood The abandoned interest / special talent or ability: Mostly either: SPORTS / ATHLETICS or CREATIVE/ARTISTIC: writing, painting, music, ballet, dancing. 29