How Mentalists Read Your Mind The Art Of Cold Reading or Mind Reading | Page 25

Chapter 4 Facts 1 The Fuzzy Fact Is an apparently factual statement which is formulated so that a/ it is quite likely to be accepted b/ it is vague and leaves plenty of scope to be developed into something more specific Examples Geographical: “I can see a connection with Europe”  Connection: current? Past? Professional? Social? Domestic? Romantic? Cultural?  Europe: which part? Medical: “I am getting an indication of some problem  Around the mouth and throat area  Around the chest area  And I sense a bit of back trouble (young people) (elder people) (slim people)” Factual: “There’s an indication of some change, or a transition, concerning a career. This could be you, or someone’s career that affects you.” Romantic: “I see a dark/fair-haired man/woman, does that ring a bell?” “I am getting a sense that there is someone who loves you very much.” 21