How Mentalists Read Your Mind The Art Of Cold Reading or Mind Reading | Page 19

Example 1: “I sense indications of success and professional advancement, which are a credit to you, and which reflect your drive and ability to get things done. You are the sort of person who delivers results, and this characteristic has brought its rewards. However, it has also brought its penalties. Although you would not necessarily advertise them too openly, I sense some feelings here of a potential desire for more domestic security and a more stable home life. I would not go so far as to say this has been a serious problem for you, but I believe your loyalty to your career has not always delivered the returns you expected. I sense that from time to time you find yourself contemplating your more domestic instincts, and wondering if they would perhaps be allowed more room to flourish. I think this has been an area of conflict within you, and I foresee that you will take steps to resolve this issue within the next 18 months or so”. Example 2: “I sense a story of conflict and an inner restlessness. What this seems to be about is the inner you and the you that you feel that you have become. The impression that I get is that you are well adjusted to the hustle and bustle of modern life. Of course there are moments of stress and strain, because life can be quite hectic, can’t it? But you would seem to fit in quite well. However, there seems to be also a deeper story, which indicates that you have an affinity for the open air, the country side and the chance to get away from it all. 15