How Mentalists Read Your Mind The Art Of Cold Reading or Mind Reading | Page 103

There was a time when you had problems, differentiating between understanding people and agreeing with them, but with time you learned to give a place to all. You love animals Your favourite pet are cats You may well be vegetarian Alcoholism is no threat for you Nor are drugs Or promiscuity You could not be a bad person, not even if you tried You are not material you need to feel in balance you practise yoga or meditation, probably both Your gaiety hides an innate form of insecurity. You make it a point to be punctual and dependable. The dependable part is ok: one woman, one word --The punctual part however is an eternal point of attention Even though you are a good planner But chaos is alive inside of you and you put your own plans aside when others need you It's important to you that people like you, accept you for what you are, just as important as is your own need to remain open minded not to let negativism ever win. You decided to remain vulnerable because the alternative: to be defensive and hard would kill your soul. You have grown very much mentally these last years You have become much stronger You have a very deep knowledge of life Partly because of deeper insight in human nature, and better understanding of the world at large Partly because some things happened that confronted you with the very basics of life