How Mentalists Read Your Mind The Art Of Cold Reading or Mind Reading | Page 102

You regularly have premonitions: sensing when a certain friend would call or drop by, When something would happen to somebody you love – and often found your premonitions come true. Both of you are thinkers. But different: You deep, restless, jumping from one subject to another He systematically, profoundly, tackling one subject at the time Philosophers, both in fact. I don't know if you realize that you saw and see in him the strength and humour that you appreciate in your father. You have your mother's eyes She was smaller than you are You are interested in other cultures Not exclusive, but inclusive, acceptive, seeing "the other" as an enrichment as "the own" not as a threat Can light be born from darkness? You have known such difficult moments in your life, and yet here you are, so radiantly beautiful: you are not aggressive you forgive easily you bring hope to the people you believe in a better future you are optimistic you are positive you can feel the pain of the world at times and feel very sad cry without hardly a reason and then walk out in the sun and shake every thing off and dance