Housing Happenings Issue 27 | Page 4

Top 3 Survival Tips for Finals

Go to Office Hours

Going to office hours shows that you care about the class. This will make your professor more likely to hint at what content will be on the exam. Simply ask for tips on how you should study. You may be suprised by how much information you can get.

Create a to-do List

Set up a calendar with all of your upcoming exams and due dates. Place it in a highly visible location. This will help you to prioritize your tasks. It also keeps you from having to constantly remind yourself about a deadline. Your brain is smart enough to know when you wrote something down, so the mental energy you save from externalizing those reminders will go to other, more important tasks.

Teach the Material to Someone Else

Find a study buddy and take turns teaching each other content from your class. This is a good way to build your confidence in mastering the material. It also allows you to effectively reinforce what you've learned and to pinpoint the things you don't know.