Housing Happenings Issue 2 | Page 5

Good Grades

Designate a time of day for homework and stick to it. This will prevent procrastination and improve focus. The general rule of thumb is that you need 2-3 hours of study time per week for each unit you are taking. The community halls have quiet rooms on the first floor for this purpose. There are also personal study rooms available in the Madden Library. In the author’s personal experience, the ones on the third floor quiet area are best.

Social Life

Designate a time for play as well! Socializing is essential to your mental health. Fresno State volunteer opportunities and clubs are excellent ways to meet people. On August 31st, there will be a Volunteer Opportunities Fair in front of the Kennel Book Store from 10:00am-2:00pm. You can find more information about student clubs on the university’s student involvement page.

Enough Sleep

The ideal is to go to bed on time, but in reality you will probably stay up late. Try your best. If you need to drink caffeine, cut yourself off after 2:00pm. The NCBI claims that caffeine can have a half-life of up to 5 hours. In other words, it can cause sleep difficulties at the end of the day if you drink it in the late afternoon. The LED lights in screens can also inhibit your ability to sleep. If you need to use electronics, try an app that adjusts your screen at night to minimize the LED effect. iPhones and iPads have a “Night Shift” option in the settings that do this as well.

Everyone’s needs are different, so make sure to experiment until you find a routine that works for you. Good luck!