Housing Happenings Issue 2 | Page 4

We’re in a wonderful moment of maturity where responsibilities of the adult world have not yet fully hit us. We are responsible for school, maybe a job. Other necessities –such as finding food and a parking spot- are alleviated by living on campus. This leeway provides us with time to learn how to balance the college life trinity: Good Grades, Social Life, and Enough Sleep. Unfortunately, that opportunity is often lost to a common misconception.

We assume there is not enough time for all three.

The famous chart at the top is evidence of this assumption. It is a lie! You can you can achieve every corner of the trinity by developing and sticking to a routine that effectively manages your time. Here is a series of tips for maintaining each element. Just remember that keeping up with your new routine is a learning process. You will occasionally slip up. That’s okay! Forgive yourself and try again.