Hot Seller Tips Hot Seller Tips | Page 114

Hot Seller Tips upgrades and maintenance is completed. Like the bathroom, money spent here is money well spent. Styling the kitchen with furniture and accessories is all about creating a fresh, clean up-to-date space that your buyers will enjoy using every day. Step-By-Step • • • • • • • Make sure the kitchen is as light as possible. Remove any heavy, oldfashioned or lace curtains and old, broken blinds. Ensure all lights are working, and consider adding under-shelf lighting for even more impact It must smell, look and feel immaculately clean Remove all magnets/stickers from fridges, dishwashers and ovens Remove all clutter from open shelves and countertops De-clutter and tidy all storage cupboards and pantry areas. Remove excess/out-of-date products and unused utensils. Sort all remaining cupboard items so they are neat, ordered and functional. Remember, buyers WILL look inside your cupboards, and storage space sells! Add bar stools to a kitchen bench if you have the option. This creates more seating/living space Remove or store all the small appliances that you can (microwaves, toasters, kettles, knife blocks) as they take up valuable bench space – and buyers look for lots of cooking and preparation space 114 HotSellerTips.