Hot Seller Tips Hot+Seller+Tips+Hot+Seller+Tips | Page 67

Books: Too many books can make your room look cramped and messy too. Clear away piles of books from coffee tables and bedside tables. Also, it’s important to reduce the number of books on your bookshelves. They should only be half-full of books. You need to leave some open space on the shelves and then add a few decorator items. Religious Icons: They are strongly personal and will be off-putting for some buyers. It’s better to pack them away now, knowing you can display them again in your new house Artwork: Remove any highly personal artwork (including personal portraits, nudes, family photos). Also, remove any small pieces of artwork that are scattered around the room on various walls. When staging, we prefer to use one or two larger pieces of art per room. This is less personal and more impactful from a styling perspective. If you do remove any unsuitable artwork from walls, also remove the hooks, then patch and touch-up the paint. Cleaning & Maintenance Items: When looking for the perfect lifestyle to buy, the LAST thing buyers want to do is think about the cleaning and maintenance of the home! So remove anything that reminds your buyer of maintenance, cleaning and household chores eg. doormats, toilet brushes, 67 HotSel