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property, there are some simple criteria to follow: 1. If the deck is immediately adjacent to an interior dining area, use lounge furniture on your deck. This is so you won’t end up with two dining tables so close to each other which looks a little awkward and odd. 2. Similarly, if the deck is immediately adjacent to an interior lounge area, use dining furniture on your deck. • • • If neither of the above situations apply, simply use common sense when evaluating which furniture to select. Is the outdoor area nearby to a kitchen? If so, a dining setting would be the logical option. Or is the kitchen on the complete opposite side of the house? Then it would be a bit unusual to imagine carrying all your food and crockery through the entire house, so select the lounge option instead. OUTDOOR LOUNGE SETTINGS • Create a furniture grouping for conversation. Just as you do in your living areas, put some comfortable seating in an intimate arrangement so friends can sit close and hear each other easily. 133 HotSel