Hot Seller Tips Hot+Seller+Tips+Hot+Seller+Tips | Page 102

Hot Seller Tips Consider Your Furnishings If you need to lighten a heavy room, you can also do this by changing your furniture. Here’s what I recommend: • • Use light-coloured furniture and accessories rather than lots of dark and heavy pieces as this will reflect the existing light around a room, making it appear larger Select furniture that has a ‘lighter’ design. You could choose a sofa and chairs with open arms and exposed legs. This allows light to filter under the furniture, making the room appear airier Principle 5: Colour That Sells Colours evoke emotion and leave a lasting impression. Many studies have shown how strongly human beings physically react to different colours; these findings have been used by marketers and advertisers for many years to sell products (in fact, I completed a university thesis on this subject while studying design). I won’t go into all the findings here, but the important thing to know is that all human beings react strongly to colour, so when staging your property you do NOT want to alienate any buyers by using the wrong colours…that some buyers will love but others will hate. 102 HotSellerTips.