Hot Seller Tips Hot Seller Tips - Adam de Jong | Page 75

Deb Lindner The Re-Model, Repair, Renew Process 1. Inspect: Is everything working? Is everything in good condition? Take an objective look at your house to determine what repairs and updates are necessary. 2. Repair: Once your inspection is complete you need to: • Create a list of repairs that are required • Prioritise this list – what will make the most dramatic impact and give you the biggest return? • Create a budget and a timeline for these repairs • Once you have made your prioritized list, STICK TO IT! 3. Upgrade: Finally, you will create the list of upgrades that will most impact your sale. Kitchens and bathrooms will be your first priority – the minor upgrades you make in these two areas will almost always give you the best return. The other very important area which should NEVER be neglected is the entry (including the front door). This is vital for helping to create that fabulous first impression that makes your buyers excited, and want to see more! 75 HotSel