Hot Seller Tips Hot Seller Tips - Adam de Jong | Page 67

Deb Lindner 2. De-personalise De-cluttering will also de-personalize your home. By removing your personal clutter, your buyers can more easily imagine themselves living there. This allows them to focus on the house rather than be distracted by your personal belongings. You don’t want them peering at your personal photos as they wander down the hallway – this is a big distraction that will take their attention away from imagining how wonderful it would be to live in your property. Example: You might be a big Harley Davidson fan and have your home office covered in biking posters, scale models and memorabilia. You may love it, but if I came to look at your house, I would HATE it! I simply couldn’t visualise myself working in that room – I would be so distracted by the massive posters and how small and cramped the memorabilia made the room feel that I DEFINITELY would not be seeing a stylish, aspirational space where I would love to sit and work. I would feel as though I was intruding on your personal space. I might even feel a little uncomfortable. 3. Storage space sells Potential buyers love homes with lots of storage. Since they will look inside your cupboards, drawers and WIRs, it’s vital that you clear out all 67 HotSel