Hot Russian Brides® Men's Lifestyle Magazine™ Winter 2017 | Page 25

It’s a bit trickier to protect assets accumulated after the wedding. If you buy a home to- gether, or she helps with mort- gage payments on a home you owned prior to the marriage, she’ll have the right to claim her contribution to the asset’s value (including appreciation) if you get divorced. Typically, a spouse is entitled to half the value of any asset to which she makes a monetary contribution – all the more reason to protect everything you owned prior to tying the knot. Still, a pre-nup still can protect assets you accumulate during the marriage (including ations, since it prevents a wife from using children as a weapon to garner a larger pay out. Further, an agree- ment restricting alimony payments can prevent a wife who becomes bored with a marriage from walking away without giving serious thought to the creature comforts she’ll be giving up. your salary and resulting sav- ings or investments) by pre-es- tablishing the amount of ali- mony or spousal support you would owe in the event of a di- vorce. In cases where a spouse has a career of her own, or en- ters the marriage with signifi- cant assets, a pre-nup can even be used to eliminate alimony or support obligations altogether. property, how long assets are frozen during and after a divorce (or death), and how ownership of what lawyers call the “matrimonial home” is treated. Using a real lawyer, with whom you can sit down and spell out your situation, ensures you’ll get a pre-nup that’s drafted consistently with both federal and state laws. Such consultations generally cost less than $1,000 – or a tenth what your bride-to-be is planning to spend on her dress. It’s worth every penny. If you own more than one property, have made smart investments, or own a business that you intend to ei- ther sell or pass down to heirs, then the total value of your assets can be measured in millions. Do you really want to trust all that wealth to a form you find online? What you can’t protect Unfortunately, a prenuptial can’t be used to guarantee you custody or visitation rights with any children born during the marriage. Issues related to custody, and ac- cess to children, are considered circumstantial and are dealt with during the course of divorce proceedings. An agreement pre-setting alimony and spousal sup- port sums, however, can simplify custody negoti- A PRENUPTIAL AGREEMENT IS KEY TO ENSURING YOU DON’T LOSE HALF OF YOUR ASSETS IN A DIVORCE... H O T RUS S I AN BRI D E S® - Hire a real lawyer If you plug “prenuptial agreement” into a search engine, the first 20 or so links will be to forms you can down- load, fill in, sign, and have signed by your prospective spouse prior to the wedding day. Don’t use them Just like the kit wills you can purchase at office supply stores, online pre-nup forms won’t always stand up in court. While the Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act pro- vides the bulwark of property division laws in the U.S., many states have their own quirks regarding division of Getting the signature I’ll admit, asking a prospective spouse to sign a prenup- tial agreement can be stressful. My own wife looked askance at me when I raised the issue 20 years ago (although I had the advantage in spinning it as a way for her to protect her own assets, since she owned her home). It won’t be a comfortable conversation; and it will likely lead to one or two fights. But few couples are made up of two people who are economically matched on the day of their marriage, or remain that way throughout the life of the marriage. If you approach this difficult conversation the right way, she’ll sign that prenuptial. Or, if she won’t, at least you’ll know she’s not marrying you for love. MEN’S L IFESTYL E M A G A ZINE 2 5