Hot Metabolism : The Metabolic Exercise Plan Carolyn Hansen Hot Metabolism System

Hot Metabolism : The Metabolic Exercise Plan Carolyn Hansen Hot Metabolism System Weight los isn't something that hap ens overnight, nor should it require you to starve yourself, obses over calorie counting, or become a slave to fad diets. I should know - I strug led through countles at empts during a time when aerobic exercise and starvation diets were al the rage. These programs promised suc es , but delivered very lit le in the way of results. Today's dieters are more eager than ever for weight los solutions that real y work - long-term lifestyle changes, not emporary Band-Aid fixes. What many people don't realize is that he key to suc es isn't depriving themselves of the fo ds they love or working out for hours every day, but achieving a healthy, ef icient metabolism. That's why we created the Hot Metabolism program, based on proven, scientif c evidence about how our bodies proces fo d, fat, and calories. Learning about metabolic optimization wil change the way you think about health and fitnes , and empower you to take control of your body, your health, and your life!