HORIZONS MAY/JUNE 2017 | Page 58

SECTION FOUR B O U N DA R I E S AGLOW 2017 AWARDS-IN-CRAFT COMPETITION GENERAL RULES (revised February 13, 2017) Please read through the 2017 Rules as there have been some GENERAL rule changes, as well as changes in the Electronic Media Division. All changes have been noted in red. Thank you for reading through the 2017 rules before submitting your work this year. Good luck! 2017 Awards-in-Craft Competition Chairman, Dan Stefanich ([email protected]) GENERAL RULES The following general rules govern all the AGLOW Awards-In-Craft competitions that consist of individ- ual contests for newspaper writing, magazine writing, book writing, photography, broadcast (TV, radio) and electronic media (ebook, blog posts and web communi- cations). 1. Failure to adhere to all general rules of the competi- tion and specific rules for each division will result in the entry being disqualified. 2. Only members in good standing are eligible. 
 3. Submissions to all contests must be received by the respective Contest Coordinator for each division by July 1, 2017. Late entries will be disqualified. include a stamped, self-addressed envelope with suffi- cient postage. Alternatively, entries may be picked up in person at the Annual Conference. Entries not picked up after the conference will be discarded. AGLOW, and any of its agents, will use reasonable and prudent care in handling all submissions, but will not assume responsibility for any loss or damage beyond their control. 9. All entries to one contest coordinator may be submitted in one package or email. Please include a “Contents Letter” listing all the entries submitted, and separate entries in each category, individually, within the package or email. (An entrant may put an entry into the magazine/fishing and magazine/hunting categories in the same mailer, but each entry should be sealed in separate envelopes within the mailer.) 10. All decisions of judges are final. 11. Winners will be announced during the Awards- In-Craft Ceremony at the Annual Conference. The winning entry in each category will receive a certificate and/or plaque and a cash prize of $75. The second place award winner will receive a certificate and $50. Third- Place will receive a certificate and $25. If any category does not have a sponsor, only plaques or certificates will be awarded. If insufficient entries are received in any particular division category, at the judges’ discre- tion, such category may not be judged and no awards may be presented. 4. Except for the book division, each contest division is divided into specific categories (i.e. newspaper/fishing, magazine/travel, etc.). Entries are limited to two (2) per category. 12. AGLOW has a one-time right to publish any win- ning written article or photograph in Horizons, unless the member sends a letter denying this right to the Horizon’s editor. 5. All categories will be judged prior to the Annual Conference and awards will be made at the Conference. 13. A submission may be entered in ONE category only. For example: members may NOT submit a television episode in both the Hunting AND Open category. En- tries submitted in two categories will result in disquali- fication of BOTH entries. 6. Entries must have been published or aired between July 15, 2016 and July 1, 2017. 
 7. Each submission must include a fully completed Entry Form. Failure to complete and sign the Entry Form is grounds for disqualification. Photocopies of the Entry Form are permitted. 14. Submissions will only be accepted from the person that created or authored the piece. You cannot submit an entry on behalf of another person. 8. To have contest entries returned, the entrant must Volume 01  No. 02  | 2017