SECTION TWO A PICTURES WORTH by Tom Watson “You don’t need to be a Michelangelo.” PHOTO COURTESY TOM WATSON A ll writers know and appreciate the value of using artwork to enhance the overall appeal of a story. Images visually highlight a reference within the text or offers additional information graphically - and extend the presentation of information way beyond what you could do with just text and still stay within the limits of your assigned word length. But what if you can’t f ind a photo or other artwork? Creating your own graphics is a relatively easy way to enhance or expand the information within your article. You don’t need to be a Michelangelo, either - just basic creative art skills and at least a simple drawing program like those that come with most computers will help. Using basic techniques, you can render very recognizable forms that can then be enhanced and combined to create scenes and instructive illustrations to complement your words. Images of f ish are a vital part of the illustrations I use in my self-reliance articles. Typically I need an image of an active f ish as seen from above or side. I use the same foundation art for each, easily created with a few strokes of the cursor in the basic drawing tools that come with my Mac’. The key is to develop a basic shape that you can morph into specif ic shapes that will Volume 02  No. 04  | 2018