Hooo-Hooo Volume 11 Nr 2 | Page 12

WildLife Group of the SAVA (brainstem). Freeze the remaining brain. You can find and sample 7 the pituitary gland, which will still be in the brain cavity on the bottom middle (in the front half of the skull). You may need to cut through the white tissue over the pituitary. Freeze the carcass for Prof Jansen. After you have Completed the Necropsy Removal of the skull to expose the brain. Brain • 12 The final samples to remove are the brain and pituitary gland. First, remove the head by cutting between the head and the first neck vertebrae, and remove the skin and muscle from the back of the head forward to just behind the eyes, and including removing the ears. Remove the brain intact by cutting through and lifting off the top of the skull. Cut carefully through the bone, trying not to cut into the brain underneath. Cut across the skull behind the eyes. The make 2 horizontal cuts along the side of the skull from the first cut to the spinal cord apeture. Gently lift off the skull plate and very gently remove the brain, cutting through the spinal nerves and meninges that attach the brain to the skull. Very gently cut down the The brain can be placed in formalin whole in small animals, or sample a small portion from the top front (cerebrum), the top back (cerebellum), and the bottom back one-third Clean your instruments, gloves and hands. All contaminated paper or plastic materials should be either thoroughly disinfected or burnt. All blood and residual tissues should be removed from the instruments and tools with soap and water. Then the instruments should be disinfected. o Wash, dry and label all sample containers, using a waterproof marker, with the date, animal species, animal ID (if available), geographic location and your name. For formalin-fixed tissues, a paper label with the animal identification written in pencil can be submerged in formalin with the tissues. Make sure all containers are adequately sealed and no leakage can occur. Arrange for appropriate disposal of the carcass. Carcasses with anthrax or other infectious diseases should be buried (preferably covered with a disinfectant and buried at least 2 m deep to prevent scavenging). Where infectious disease is suspected, the carcass and all tissues from the carcass including blood soaked dirt should be buried or burnt. Store sample and data appropriately. Your clothing should be thoroughly washed.