Honors Convocation 2020 | Page 11

T he C ircle of M ercy In Mercy, we touch the hearts of those who are in misery. In Mercy, we’re touched by them and feel their strength and courage. In Mercy, we heal the pain of those who are in sorrow. In Mercy, we’re healed by them and see the face of hope. Refrain For the circle of Mercy is timeless: it is Spirit of Life itself. Which roots us in faith, and lifts us in Hope, and holds us in God’s loving care, and holds us in God’s loving care. In Mercy, we welcome those the world has left rejected. In Mercy, we’re drawn within the loving heart of God. In Mercy, we forgive the incompleteness in another, In Mercy, our sins are healed and we are whole again. In Mercy, the Spirit Faith will root us in God’s presence. In Mercy, the Spirit Hope will lift us out of doubt. In Mercy, the love of God will be our joy in living. In Mercy, we join with one another on our journey. Music: Jeannette Goglia, RSM Text based on Design For Renewal by Joanna Regan, RSM and Isabelle Keiss, RSM