Honestly Woman Issue 3: June 2017 | Page 9

Sparrow Sanitation
Kath Davis ( L ) & Kim Pearce

" One of our passions at The Possibility Project is to tap into our creative ‘ slum ’ and nurture the immense value in the resources we have at hand ."

4 . Purpose – win-wins create magnificent solutions
It is powerful to note that our insight does not come from a psychology 101 lecture but from the makers of our slow clothing label , some of whom have experienced the worst human rights abuses on earth .

Sparrow Sanitation

Sales from slumwear108 directly support the development of Sparrow Sanitation , one of our most exciting projects with I-India . This is an affordable , 100 % biodegradable , energy efficient compostable sanitary pad enterprise that is owned and managed by I-India and their co-workers . Like all social justice issues , sanitary health is a community issue , not a gender , income or cultural specific issue , so we are approaching it holistically . Men and women work alongside each other to solve problems together . We are creating unity within diversity because we have inspired leaders who are willing to move beyond the status quo .
Solutions have to unite people . There is no real social justice if one group is elevated at the expense of another . We have learnt that what we have in common is our ability to respond to our problems creatively . Inspired leaders believe that regardless of income , age , gender , ethnicity , and circumstance , everyone has what it takes to create what is needed .
Most of us get trapped into thinking that our problems , failures and fears can somehow stop us from doing what we want or need to do . Yet our inspired leaders in Jaipur demonstrate quite the contrary , showing us that we all have the potential to create change where it is needed .
ISSUE 2 OF 4 IN 2017 9