HOCK.ly - Future of Hockey Content 2013-2014 Season Preview | Page 67

“Can't you see those names? You'd better get your eyes checked. They're regulation all the way,” Ballard said after the first game. He continued to argue that it was property right, and his contract with the people who printed Leafs programs prevented him from complying.

He couldn't seem to stop himself from continually mocking the rule to reporters, claiming he had thought about adding the nameplates, then making players switch jerseys, or using first names instead of last.

President Ziegler, believing this was a “private league matter,” kept a low profile on the topic, but brought the only pressure to bear that Ballard might understand: money. If Ballard failed to comply and use contrasting colors on the nameplates, he'd be fined $2,000. The game after that, $3,000, and so on until the fine reached $5,000 per game. At this news, Ballard relented, and the Leafs took the ice wearing the proper white on blue nameplates.

There's no comment on what the players or other team owners thought of Ballard's actions.