Hitch Fit Living Magazine Volume 9 - November/December 2016 | Page 38

Let’s face it. Being a parent is tough. Even when they’re being little angels and sleeping (at least I hope yours are because mine sure aren’t), they’re still taking up all your time! As the parent of two little boys, I can’t remember the last time I got to sit down for a meal without interruption or even go to the bathroom by myself! Sound familiar?! If you seem to find yourself in the same predicament as me, try turning play time (you being the great jungle gym I know you are) into a quick workout! Here are a few exercises that can be fun for you AND the kids. Disclaimer: Not responsible for wiggly kids, kicks to the face or trips to Urgent Care! Munchkin Lifts x 20 Lay on your back with your hips bent at 90 degrees and your toes pointing towards the ceiling -Place your Munchkin on you stomach facing you and as close to your hips as possible (moving them towards your chest will make the exercise easier if necessary) -Have your Munchkin lean back against your legs as you lower them to about 6 inches off the floor (or as far as you can make it) and then back up.