Hitch Fit Living Magazine Volume 6 - May/June 2016 | Page 43

Move #2 - Lying Cable Chest Press 1. Start by adjust your bench so that the cables line up with your chest 2. Your upper arms should be about 45 degrees to the body, with your head and chest up. The elbows should be bent to about 90 degrees. This will be your starting position. 3. Begin by extending through the elbow, pressing the handles together straight in front of you. Keep your shoulder blades retracted as you execute the movement. 4. After pausing at full extension, return to the starting position, keeping tension on the cables. 5. You can also execute this movement sitting up or with your back off the pad, at an incline or decline, or alternate hands. Move #3 - Low Cable Crossover 1. To move into the starting position, place the pulleys at the low position, select the resistance to be used and grasp a handle in each hand. 2. Step forward, gaining tension in the pulleys. Your palms should be facing forward, hands below the waist, and your arms straight. This will be your starting position. 3. With a slight bend in your arms, draw your hands upward and toward the midline of your body. Your hands should come together in front of your chest, palms facing up. 4. Return your arms back to the starting position after a brief pause.