Hitch Fit Living Magazine Volume 3 - November/December 2015 | Page 48

What I learned during my transformation. You need to be 100% committed and know why you are making this change. You will have moments when you will be tested and if you don’t believe in the reason you decided to sign up then you will have a hard time finishing. I would invest in a heart rate monitor. Your mind will tell you that you are burning more calories than you really are and the cardio machines in the gym are not accurate . Make sure you check in with Micah or Diana on your check in dates. Take pictures and send them in. Accountability was huge for me and its keeps you motivated when you see the results. Make sure you only tell people that you know that will support you on your journey. Some people will just not understand and bring you down. Check out Jeremy's Transformation on the Hitch Fit website: http://hitchfit.com/before-afters/dad-bod-to-fit/ Jeremy's Program Choice: Hitch Fit Lose Weight Feel Great Plan www.HitchFit.com/store/programs