Hitch Fit Living Magazine Volume 3 - November/December 2015 | Page 23

$W+LWFK)LWZHXQGHUVWDQGWKDWPDQ\RIRXUFOLHQWVSUHIHUD9HJHWDULDQRU9HJDQ OLIHVW\OHIRUDZLGHYDULHW\RIUHDVRQV,WLVSRVVLEOHWRVKHGERG\IDWDQGDFKLHYH DQH[FHOOHQWWUDQVIRUPDWLRQZKLOHHDWLQJDVDYHJHWDULDQRUYHJDQ7KHNH\LVLQ IRRGFRPELQDWLRQVDQGHQVXULQJWKDW\RXDUHSURYLGLQJ\RXUERG\ZLWKVXIILFLHQW FRPSOHWHSURWHLQ+HUHDUHDIHZRIRXUvegetarian or vegan transformation clients who have shared their stories on either the Hitch Fit or Hitch Fit Gym websites. Click through on their feature links to read their full stories, see all of their pictures and find out how they did it! Post Pregnancy Vegan Transformation Manolita is a Hitch Fit Online Client from Australia! This mom shed 11 kg (25 pounds) after the birth of her son. Check out her full story at the link below: http://hitchfit.com/before-afters/vegan-weight-loss-plan-works-for-this-australia-mom-post-pregnancy/