History of the UF Division of Student Affairs | Page 93

93 L e a d e r s h i p ( A P IA D i r e c t o r s ) Leah Villanueva 2011- 2013 Alexander Cena 2013 - present m u lt i c u lt u r a l a n d D i v e r s i t y A f f a i r s In 2006, Tamara Cohen was hired as Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Multicultural and Diversity Affairs. Cohen provided leadership to the MCDA team as well as provided additional support to Asian Pacific Islander American students until the hiring of a Director of APIA Affairs. In 2008, Multicultural and Diversity Affairs moved to report directly to the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs. In 2010, Jarrod Cruz was hired as the Director of Multicultural and Diversity Affairs. Following an organizational review in 2011, Multicultural and Diversity Affairs was restructured to flatten the organization with all directors reporting directly to the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs. Also in 2011, Intercultural Engagement was created. In 2015, Dr. Lloren Foster was hired as the Executive Director of Multicultural and Diversity Affairs. I n t e r c u lt u r a l E n g a g e m e n t Intercultural Engagement (IE) was added to MCDA in 2011 to increase opportunities for intergroup dialogues and discussions regarding multiple identities. IE has also addressed interfaith work and cross-cultural interactions. To d ay Multicultural & Diversity Affairs reports to the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs. In 2016, MCDA expanded to include a multicultural center in the Reitz Union in addition to the Institute of Black Culture and the Institute of Hispanic-Latino Cultures. Due to this expansion, Black Affairs was created which includes the Institute of Black Culture and the Black Enrichment Center in the Reitz Union. Hispanic-Latino Affairs was also created which includes the Institute of Hispanic-Latino Cultures and the Hispanic-Latino Engagement Center in the Reitz Union. Full-time staff includes an Executive Director; Director of Black Affairs; Director of Hispanic-Latino Affairs; Director of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Affairs; Director of Asian Pacific Islander American Affairs; Director of Intercultural Engagement & University Minority Mentor Program; Program Coordinators for both Black Affairs and Hispanic-Latino Affairs; and an Operations Coordinator. Four graduate staff as well as student assistants and student ambassadors also assist with operations and programming. Depa rtment histor ies : Multicultur al a n d Diver sity affai rs