history 2 Febr. 2017 | Page 12



Ancient times

History lesson in the museum .
Istorijos pamoka Rokiškio krašto muziejuje
Students visited Rokiškis Regional Museum , where they learnt about Bronze Age and Baltic ornamentation . Students heard stories about archeological handicraft findings and brass ornaments specific for Sėla region . During the educational program each participant made an original piece of jewelry .
Class project . Lithuania ’ s prehistory . Authors : Roberta , Greta , Kamilė ( 7b ).
Mokyklinis projektas „ Lietuvos priešistorė ” Autorės : 7b klasės mokinės Roberta , Greta ir Kmilė
„ My friends and I decided to create a book about Lithuania ‘ s prehistory . We learned many things along the way and had lots of fun doing so . We started off by learning to bind a book . It was really hard and we had to start over a couple of times . Our history teacher gave us books about Lithuania ‘ s prehistory and we divided up the work between ourselves . For example I collected information about hunting ; Greta collected information about clothing ... We wrote it all in the book and drew some drawings . It was fun .”
Roberta 7b