His Heart Scribe Inspirations Devotional Magazine May - June 2014 Volume lll Number 4 May - June 2014 | Page 33

His Heart Scribe Inspirations --May/June 2014 (Continued from page 28-Release) uncover me - she uncovered herself. She released me because I needed to be released, because it was time. God wants me to know that He has me in His hand, and any avenging that comes against me or this ministry - He will take care of it. ---In many ways, I am at another pivotal junction in ministry, even though it doesn't have to do with a leader this time. I am confronted with situations that are leaving me uncomfortable, leaving me at turning points, at junctures where choices need to be made and it's up to me to decide what to do. There are people talking about me, once again, misrepresenting the ministry and the leadership therein. Just like back then, God is moving very fast and many changes are coming some are already here - and other recent changes are already starting to turn. In my extreme discomfort, I've called out to God, more than once, asking Him for the very thing I was given all those years earlier - 33 release. I know that to move forward, I have to be released from some things, some situations, some past ideals and concepts, and yes, some people. Sometimes we just need to be released from people, places, things, and concepts - and sometimes we need to release ourselves. In the release from where we do not need to be, we unhinge ourselves to be exactly where God needs us. We need to not just let go of our past, we need to release ourselves from it. Leave it as what it was. Whatever hurt, it hurt. God's got us, and we got Him. The rest He can take care of. And for this revelation, I am truly grateful. © 2014 Lee Ann B. Marino. All rights reserved.