His Heart Scribe Inspirations Devotional Magazine May - June 2014 Volume lll Number 4 May - June 2014 | Page 25

His Heart Scribe Inspirations --May/June 2014 dous. The whole MOOD and TONE was totally different. We knew it would be a short stay. The third time, the last time, it was mostly like the first with a small amount like the second time. It was tough to discern how long this stay would be. In the end it was 28 days. That fascinates me, because 28 biblically represents Eternal Life. (Continued from page 19-Glory Invasion) pened at age 3 1/2, 6 1/2 and 8. David and I believe BIRTH begins in the Heavenlies, and it begins at conception. SO, Sarah Elizabeth was actually 8 when she left us, even though her earth birthday was 4 days later. I am so grateful GOD chose us to be Sarah Beth’s parents. Truly, it is an honor, and we are privileged for the time we had here on this earth being loved by GOD through her. :) We must remember as persecution seems to be increasing, what will be targeted is GOD in us. So, we cannot take personal, what is truly about HIM. We now are in Florida. But, soon will be travelling giving the testimony as He leads. GOD is faithful and SHE is healed… just keep watching GOD! When we went into Seattle Children’s Hospital with her at 3 1/2 GOD moved so powerfully! We received HIS favor in every way we could possibly ponder. It was AMAZING! Then, at 6 1/2 exactly 3 years later we knew it was different. The second time it was just awful, evil, hateful, blatant, horren- GOD gets the GLORY in ALL things, one way, or another. If it is rough He turns it around. He never spares the R O D – Reversal of Destiny. We have had so many NEW Beginnings and (Continued on page 30) 25