His Heart Scribe Inspirations Devotional Magazine May - June 2014 Volume lll Number 4 May - June 2014 | Page 23

His Heart Scribe Inspirations --May/June 2014 to walk away released on good terms, but rather than do that, my former leader concocted a series of lies and accusations against me. If that wasn't bad enough, she went public with much of it. To say I was hurt was an understatement. I had invested many years into her work and ministry and trusted her in many areas of my life. She wasn't just my leader, in some ways, she was also considered a friend. She was also, in the truest sense of the term, a "spiritual mom" to me, one who helped me develop my apostolic call, understand it, and set me where I needed to go so I can be where I am and am going today. (Continued from page 13-Release) life are just awful and they are just what they are and nothing anyone says to us about what happened can make it feel, seem, or be different than it was. Accepting this is the first step to letting go of some of these issues, but it is certainly not the end. We can still be searching for something in that void to change it or somehow restore who we feel like we were before it happened. We need to reach a point where we don't feel like less of who we are because of what someone else did. ---In 2010, I was "released" from the ministry I had been under for three years prior. I knew it was coming, I knew time was up - six months earlier, in fact but I didn't leave when I should have. I didn't leave because I loved my leader and was comfortable where I was. Yeah, I am going to use that word comfortable. I was able to absorb into her work and not focus on my own, as the work God called me to often has left me frustrated over time. It would have been enough for me ---I knew it was time, I just didn't know the way it was going to happen was going to be so offensive. But I suppose (Continued on page 28) 23