His Heart Scribe Inspirations Devotional Magazine May - June 2014 Volume lll Number 4 May - June 2014 | Page 19

His Heart Scribe Inspirations --May/June 2014 with David. They both had flu symptoms and bronchitis issues. Unfortunately, with Sarah it was not the same as David. (Continued from page 18) and she will stop on the stairs to say hello to someone going the other way. Over the baby monitor Eleanor heard 'God are you listening.’ She knew then, God had big plans for this child! Sarah has been here at Children's Hospital in Seattle for several days. We are over flowing with prayers and support. It is truly humbling. There have been so many miracles along the way. From very early on she had yeast and parasite issues as did Eleanor. Our family has spent a lot of time researching both the traditional and alternative approaches to health with focus on the effects of parasites and nutrition. We embrace a combination of these therapies along with a spiritual aspect as well. Our doctor was out of town when we went in Wednesday, but the one that was there called ahead to Children's and we were seen almost instantly. In the ER room for only a couple hours then a room in the cancer ward. This is where we are currently. Usually to get the diagnosis we did, it takes 3 to 5 days. We had it in a few hours ... Praise God! She's been sick for most of the past 4 months. In December she had pneumonia and she got better in January with some antibiotics. February was a joy and a blur of Chucky Cheese birthday parties. In March she caught the flu and her fever was spiking to 103 pretty much every other day and she was hacking and coughing daily. After 3 weeks of fevers and increasing jaundice she started showing small red dots (petechai) and bruising really easily and Eleanor after many prayers, got very concerned and we took her to the pediatrician... (Naturopath) She has been officially diagnosed with AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia). Sarah will begin Chemo on Monday for 5 one month rounds. We believe God is healing her every single day. Every new day brings healing, more blessings, and miraculous happenings. New and beautiful ways to share God's love are knocking on our door! Praise be to GOD! Sarah Elizabeth had her own Glory Invasions. They began very early. The 3 to us that are most significant hap- Eleanor: That was last Wednesday the 25th of March. She had been in a week and a half before on the 16th (Continued on page 25) 19