HIMPower Magazine HimPower August 2017 | Page 23

I ’ ve got a gas mask that shields my eyes , nose and mouth and it drapes over my neck . This enables me to spend time outside .
HimPower : This had to be very difficult for all of your family , especially your wife and children . How many children do you have ? Bamberg : I have five in all , three are grown and I have an eight year old and a 17 month old .
HimPower : How difficult was it for your eight year old ?
Bamberg : He was okay after he started hearing my voice . I used to read to him every night before this happened , and I ’ ve gotten back to a routine .
HimPower : How has it impacted you professionally ?
Bamberg : I was a police officer before this happened . Because of what happened , I had to retire early . I did not want to put myself or my partner at risk because of limitations in my vision .
HimPower : What would you say helped you most in getting through this ordeal ? Bamberg : My faith in God and my family . I had a strong faith before , but it has gotten stronger since this happened .
HimPower : How is God using you through your testimony ?
Bamberg : It has enabled me to help other people . There have been some stories written about what happened and people are beginning to talk about it . There was a guy that came in after reading an article about me and said the same thing had happened to him . Recently , we buried our father , and I was talking to others . One lady kept looking at me and when I shared what happened , I learned they had a family member going through an allergic reaction from a combination of prescription drugs and they were trying to decide whether to take the family member off life support . I told them with God , there is always hope . If my family had given up rather than having faith and praying for me , I wouldn ’ t be here today .
HimPower : Now that you have come through victoriously , is there anything you feel led to do that you have not yet done ?
Bamberg : No , other than letting people know my story . I would want them to know regardless of the situation there is still hope . I speak at churches sharing this message whenever there is an opportunity .
HimPower : What did you learn about yourself that perhaps you did not know before this happened ? Did it surprise you , and if so , why ?
Bamberg : I learned faith in God will carry you through . It helped me to realize I was on the right track all along . It confirmed what I always believed in regarding your faith . Regardless of what you ’ re going through , don ’ t give up .
1 https :// www . fda . gov / downloads / drugs / guidances / ucm073087 . pdf
2 https :// www . cdc . gov / medicationsafety / adult _ adversedrugevents . html
3 https :// www . fda . gov / drugs / developmentapprovalprocess / developmentresources / druginteractionslabeling / ucm110632 . htm
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