HIMPower Magazine April Issue | Page 11

blessed marriage but , along the way , the “ tie that bound them ” didn ’ t sustain them and when “ testing ” came , the “ cord was easily broken .”
This makes me think about our relationship with God . Many of us when we first became Christians and began our journey with the Lord , we , as many couples , were excited and willing to go the “ extra mile ” in our dedication and service to the Lord but , as time passed and trials came , we seemed to waiver and the same vows we made to the Lord to love , to obey and to service him faithfully , was replaced with “ practicing lip service instead of life service .” But God requires more from us . Our relationship with God is daily growth and renewal and it should never be taken likely . God has endured so much for our benefit ( John 3:16 , NKJV ) and we should show our constant appreciation by taking up our cross and following him daily .
Also , in the Bible , God lets us know expressively that if “ we love him , then we will keep his commandments ( John 14:15 , NLT ).” Love is action and if we love God , then it will be exemplified in our daily lives and our dedication and commitment to the Lord . We can say that we love the Lord “ a million times ” but if that isn ’ t illustrated in the life that we live then again , we are just practicing lip service instead of life service .
And , remember that “ taking up your cross ” requires extreme sacrifice because it isn ’ t about you but it is all about God . I remember in my spare time watching a segment of the Steve Harvey show and
Devon Franklin and his wife Meaghan Good were guests on the show . In the segment , they talked openly and expressively about celibacy . Devon Franklin talked about as a result of taking a vow of celibacy with Meaghan while they were dating and refraining from sexual active for a full year and until marriage , it blessed him spiritually , emotionally , relationally and in his life in its totality . I was so blessed to hear a man talking so passionately about sexual purity and desiring to do things God ’ s way . And , as he sacrificed his own desires to please God , bless himself and bless Meaghan , which would later become his wife , so we can make the extreme sacrifice to obey and faithfully fulfill God ’ s divine purpose and plan for our lives .
I don ’ t know about anyone else but I pray to the Lord for help daily through the work of the Holy Spirit that he will enable me to be a faithful and obedience servant for his glory ! Because as the Bible states that “ God will judge everyone according to what they have done ( Romans 2:6 , NLT ).” In the conclusion of the matter , we don ’ t have time to waste ! There are innumerable opportunities to be “ light shinners ” in a dark and wicked world . Someone needs God in their life and is the walking dead . Don ’ t keep talking about what you are going to do in the kingdom of God but pray and seek God for his direction and that his will be done and then do what he says ! And , I pray that all of us will not let our lives be about lip service but about life service and dedication to the will of God for our lives .
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