Higher Equity Summit | Page 2

equality in higher education conference WELCOME LETTER FROM THE EDITOR It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Campus Review’s inaugural Higher Equity Summit. Despite the rising prominence of women in higher education, issues such as equal professional opportunity, pay equity and under-representation in senior leadership remain challenges. As professor Jan Thomas, vice-chancellor at the University of Southern Queensland, recently wrote in Campus Review when discussing the need to find solutions to such problems: “In our rapidly changing society, nothing less than cultural change across society is required – changed attitudes to cultural norms for both men and women, in particular. Gender equality is not a women’s issue and achieving it is not a question of ‘getting men on board’. Men and women must be equal partners in this process.” Today, you will hear from a diverse selection of professional leaders, outspoken advocates and experts as they discuss how everyone can play a role in making gender equity the new norm. We have worked hard to bring you a program of speakers that we believe will inspire a real discussion of ideas and provide a greater collective understanding of how to achieve a fair, equitable and sustainable future for the industry. On behalf of the team at APN Educational Media, I wish you and your fellow delegates all the best over the course of today’s presentations and resulting discussions and hope this proves a valuable and productive experience. Kind regards, Andrew Bracey Managing Editor, APN Educational Media 2 CAMPUSREVIEW.COM.AU/HIGHER-EQUITY-SUMMIT