High School Prospectus High School Prospectus Admission | Page 49

Villiers High School Admissions criteria Planned admission number: 240 places Any combination of two or more criteria gives higher priority than one criterion. For example, a brother/sister and agreed medical/social circumstances would give priority over a brother/sister connection. If two or more children have equal priority under the criteria, the criterion of distance set out in point 4 above will be applied. Where the number of applications is greater than the planned admission number, applications will be considered against the criteria set out below. Tie breaks In the event that the distances are equal the Local Authority’s Admission System will offer the place by random allocation. After the allocation of children with an EHC plan, the admission criteria will be applied in the following order of priority: Twin or children from multiple births The below criteria has been summarised, for the full admissions policy and arrangements please visit the school website: www.villiers.ealing.sch.uk 1. Children in Public Care. Children who are in public care as defined in Section 22 of the 1989 Children Act (this includes foster children) and previously looked after children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order). 2. Brother or Sister who will still be attending School at the time of admission. The words brother and sister refer to all blood, half, foster, step and adoptive brothers and sisters (not cousins) who live at the same home and in the same family unit on a permanent basis or for the majority of time in any calendar year. A sibling relationship does not apply when the older child(ren) will leave before the younger one starts school. A sibling connection does not apply for children whose older siblings will/may be attending the 6th form in years 12 and 13. 3. Exceptional Medical or Social Circumstances for the first preferred school . The medical circumstances must relate to the child and parents will be expected to provide supporting evidence from a consultant who is monitoring the child’s condition (not a General Practitioner [GP]) in relation to medical circumstances, or a social worker (or other appropriate professionally qualified person) in relation to social circumstances. All supporting evidence showing why education should be at the first preferred school must be submitted at the time of application. Priority under this criterion can only be given for the first preference school. The Admissions Panel will consider all claimed exceptional medical or social circumstances in line with admissions criteria and inform parents of their decision. Villiers does not give priority under its admission criteria for twins, triplets or other children from multiple births however, the Local Authority will endeavour wherever possible not to separate the children. Children of newly appointed staff After the published offer date, where there is a demonstrable skills shortage for a vacant post (independent evidence is required), the admission authority will place the children of the new appointee for the post in question, at the top of the waiting list for places at the school. How places were offered in 2018 Admissions criteria Offers made on national offer day Criteria 1 to 4 All applicants offered Waiting lists If it is not possible to offer parents a place for their child immediately, the child’s name will be placed on a waiting list. The criteria for admission will be used to determine the position. For detailed information about the school and to read their prospectus please visit the school website: www.villiers.ealing.sch.uk 4. Distance from the child’s permanent home address to the preferred school. The distance from home to Villiers High School is measured by a straight line from a point in the property determined by Ordinance Survey to the nearest gated entrance which is used by pupils to enter the school grounds. Starting High School 2019 49