High School Prospectus High School Prospectus Admission | Page 35

Featherstone High School

Admissions criteria
The below criteria has been summarised , for the full admissions policy and arrangements please visit the school website : www . featherstonehigh . ealing . sch . uk
Planned admission number : 270 places
Where the number of applications is greater than the planned admission number , applications will be considered against the criteria set out below .
After the allocation of children with an EHC plan , the admission criteria will be applied in the following order of priority :
1 . Children in Public Care . Children in public care are as defined in section 22 of the 1989 Children ’ s Act This includes foster children . Looked after children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption , resident or special guardianship order .
2 . Brother or sister who will still be attending the school at the time of admission . The words brother and sister refer to all blood , half , foster , step , and adopted brothers and sisters , ( not cousins ), who live at the same home and in the same family unit as the child on a permanent basis or for the majority of time in any calendar year . A sibling relationship does not apply when the older child ( ren ) will leave before the younger one starts school . A sibling connection does not apply for children whose older siblings will / may be attending the 6th form in years 12 and 13 .
3 . Exceptional medical or social circumstances , for Featherstone High School as the named preferred school . All supporting evidence showing why education should be at the school must be submitted at the time of application . Priority under this criterion can only be given for the first preference school . The Admissions Panel will consider all claimed exceptional medical or social circumstances in line with admissions criteria and inform parents of their decision .
4 . Distance from the child ’ s permanent home address to the preferred school . The distance from home to Featherstone High , is measured by straight line from a point in the property determined by Ordnance Survey to the nearest gated entrance which is used by pupils to enter the school grounds .
Tie breaks In the event that the distances are equal the Local Authority ( not the school ) operate a random allocation to determine which applicant should be offered the place .
Twin or children from multiple births
The Local Authority does not give priority under its admission criteria for twins , triplets or other children from multiple births . But the school will admit children from multiple births when one of the siblings is the thirtieth child admitted .
Children of newly appointed staff
After the published offer date , where there is a demonstrable skills shortage for a vacant post ( independent evidence is required ), the admission authority will place the children of a new appointee for the post in question , at the top of the waiting list for places at the school .
How places were offered in 2018
Admissions criteria
Criteria 1 to 3 Criteria 4
Offers made on national offer day
All applicants offered
Distance of last child to be offered : 0.738 of a mile
Waiting lists
When vacancies arise , places will be allocated according to the oversubscription criteria . Vacancies will be offered to the pupil with the highest priority on the waiting list / pool at the time the vacancy arises , not on a “ first come , first served ” basis . The position of a pupil on the waiting list / pool changes frequently and can move down as well as up if other pupils having higher priority have their names added to the waiting list . Length of time on a waiting list / pool does not give any priority . Places are offered from the waiting list if they become available . These places cannot normally be held open and it is expected that they will be taken up almost immediately .
For detailed information about the school and to read their prospectus please visit the school website : www . featherstonehigh . ealing . sch . uk
Any combination of two or more criteria gives higher priority than one criterion . For example , a brother / sister connection and agreed medical / social circumstances would give priority over a brother / sister connection . If two or more children have equal priority under the criteria , the criterion of distance set out in point 4 above will then be applied .
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