High School Prospectus High School Prospectus Admission | Page 31

Ealing Fields High School Admissions criteria The below criteria has been summarised, for the full admissions policy and arrangements please visit the school website: www.ealingfields.org.uk Planned admission number: 120 places Where the number of applications is greater than the planned admission number, applications will be considered against the criteria set out below. After the allocation of children with an EHC plan, the admission criteria will be applied in the following order of priority: 1. Children who are Looked After or Previously Looked After and those who immediately after being looked after became subject to adoption, a child arrangement order, or special guardianship order. 2. Children with a sibling already on-roll at Ealing Fields High School when they apply. A sibling relation does not apply when the child currently on roll will leave the school before the sibling starts. 3. 12 places for children showing an aptitude for music. Places will be allocated in order of ranked assessment score. 4. The remaining places will be allocated in accordance with the Tie Breaker arrangements (see below). Tie breaks Distance will be used as the first ‘tie-breaker’ if two or more applicants are equally qualified for a place within the oversubscription criteria. Distance is measured in a straight line from the unique address point for the applicants’ home address to the permanent site for Ealing Fields High School which is Place House, Little Ealing Lane, W5 4EJ, using the Local Authority’s computerised mapping system based on ordnance survey data. In cases where applicants live equidistant from the school, the available place will be allocated using a random computer selection by Ealing Local Authority. Multiple birth and same year siblings Where applications are received from twins, triplets or other multiple birth siblings and one child is selected for a place, Ealing Fields will admit over the published admission number (PAN) in order to support the family. This will only apply where one sibling would be within the PAN and the other sibling(s) would be above the PAN (i.e. where the 120th place is offered to a multiple-birth sibling). How places were offered in 2018 Admissions criteria Offers made on national offer day Criteria 1 & 2 All applicants offered Criteria 4 Distance of last child to be offered: 1.068 miles Waiting lists If the school is oversubscribed, names of all unsuccessful applicants will be placed on a waiting list. This waiting list will be maintained by the school strictly in the order of the oversubscription criteria and not in the order in which the applications are received. If a place becomes available, the child who is first on the waiting list will be offered a place. Whenever a child joins the waiting list the list will be reordered in accordance with the oversubscription criteria above. The waiting list will run until the end of the school year. Specialist music places 12 places within Ealing Fields High School will be offered to students applying for a place in Year 7 with an identified natural aptitude for language. How to apply: • Complete the Specialist Music Admissions application form online or send a completed application form by 12 noon on 28 September. The completed application form should be returned to Admissions, Ealing Fields High School c/o Twyford CofE High School, Twyford Crescent, Acton W3 9PP. Parents applying for a place under this criterion are reminded that they must also submit the PAN London Common Application Form to their Local Authority by the closing date. • All applicants will be invited to attend round one on 4 or 5 October. • Your child’s score will be issued together with news as to whether they have been invited to attend round two of the process on 11 or 12 October. • Your child’s round two score will then be added to their round one score and a list of final results, in descending order, will be compiled. Those ranked in places 1-12 will be notified on National Offer Day that they have been offered a music place (provided they have not received a higher preference offer). • Other applicants will be placed on a waiting list, ranked according to their score. If a place becomes available it will be offered to the applicant who is highest on the waiting list. In the case of a tie on score, those students living nearer the school as the crow flies will be given priority. For detailed information about the school and to read their prospectus please visit the school website: www.ealingfields.org.uk Starting High School 2019 31