HHE Theatre and surgery supplement 2018 | Page 14

than simply amorality. On reflection, do surgeons more often resist the status quo if it is against their beliefs of best care for their patient? Personality traits do change throughout our lifetimes and careers. A cross-sectional study of 253 trainee and consultant surgeons completed a personality scoring questionnaire showing that with increased seniority, aggression, extraversion and achievement also increased. 7 Stress immunity It is known that stress immunity is one of the key personality traits seen in surgeons. 7 This is not the first time that doctors have been psychiatrically assessed and found to have had increased psychiatric tendencies compared with the general population. An Australian study using 14 HHE 2018 | hospitalhealthcare.com a General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) found that doctors had a psychiatric morbidity in 28% of cases versus 19.5% in the general population. 5,8 This study highlights that stress immunity is an over-represented personality trait found among doctors, with higher PPI-SF scores found in surgeons, paediatricians and those working in teaching hospitals. 9 Surgeons with a high degree of stress immunity may be beneficial, or even essential, to objective care, often making difficult but necessary decisions. This trait may be important in selecting individuals for subspecialty training within the surgical profession, or in providing extra support and training for those who are required to provide optimal care in difficult situations. Such situations may arise during