HHE 2018 | Page 30

have been labelled as reference centres by the Francophone Group of Improved Rehabilitation After Surgery (Groupe francophone de Réhabilitation Améliorée Après Chirurgie - GRACE). Could you present us the two/three expectations that your organisation/country have today on improving the quality of healthcare using the experiences and compet encies of patients Despite the efforts of the Health Ministry, Sickness Fund and HAS, in the implementation of programmes relying on penalties, success remains somewhat limited, in large part because of a lack of appropriation by front-line clinicians. The approach adopted is ‘top-down’. Since 2015, the French Hospitals’ Federation (FHF) is part of ‘Choosing Wisely’, an international campaign launched in the US and Canada, which aims to improve the dialogue between patients and clinicians on the topic of relevance. Since 2017, the FHF is the national leader for this campaign. Learned societies as well as patient associations have since then started working on ‘Top 5’ lists. A national logo has been created, and the construction of a website is under way. The lists will be displayed on the website and will be accessible by providers and patients alike. One of the first of these lists, concerning geriatrics, has been tested in all of the hospitals of the Region of Brittany, and three of the five items have shown their relevance and robustness. Work has been undertaken to improve the quality of recommendations and their understanding by patients. The FHF provides technical support in the process and helps to create consensus regarding the items that will constitute the Top 5 lists. A national advertising campaign will be launched in hospitals as well as in non-hospital settings in GP’s offices. Around 20 learned societies are already part of the campaign. The FHF is also working with the Deans of Medical schools to introduce ‘Choosing Wisely’ in the medicine curriculum, as well as to organise activities around this theme involving French and foreign students. In 2017, UNICANCER launched a project that aims to facilitate the communication between cancer patients and their healthcare professionals. The idea of the initiative is to set up a digital tool, collecting data on the patient experience on consultations during their treatment for cancer. The survey has met with good success, from the perspective of both patients and doctors, allowing the patient experience to be brought to light to help medical decisions. The project will be extended to further comprehensive cancer centres that volunteer to participate. germany Mr George Baum HOPE Governor, German Hospital Federation In France, patient satisfaction is measured by the hospital and contributes to better fit between patient expectations and medical procedures Could you outline the strategy/approach adopted in your country on quality and patient safety or the two/three initiatives in the hospital and healthcare sector in the past ten years? German hospitals are continuously working on improving quality of care and patient safety. They actively apply CIRS – Critical Incident Reporting System (sharing evaluated experiences with colleagues and other hospitals) at hospital wards, at local, regional and national level and support the National Action Alliance on Patient Safety (campaigning for safety issues, for example, hand hygiene). Additionally, several legal initiatives have been implemented. Hospitals are assessed annually on approximately 400 quality indicators by an external institute and receive a report that has to be published. The data of this so-called ‘system of external quality assurance’ serve as a basis for the official hospital directory and search engine for patients, and encourages doctors to provide a very high level of transparency and quality. The IQTIG (Institute on Quality and Transparency in Healthcare) will soon provide an objective quality criterion for ‘pay for performance’ and for hospital planning. Minimum volumes for provision of healthcare services are defined and minimum numbers of staff for intensive care services are defined. Finally, hospitals provide comprehensive discharge management services to their patients. Could you present us the two/three expectations that your organisation/country have today on improving the quality of healthcare using the experiences and competencies of patients? germany Total health expenditure as % of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Percentage of current public expenditure on health as % of total current health expenditure Hospital current health expenditure, as % of total current health expenditure Out-of-pocket expenditure, % of current expenditure on health All hospital beds per 100,000 inhabitants Acute care hospital beds per 100,000 inhabitants Acute care admissions/discharges per 100 inhabitants Average length of stay for acute care hospitals (bed-days) Practicing physicians per 100,000 inhabitants Practicing nurses per 100,000 inhabitants 30 HHE 2018 | hospitalhealthcare.com 2000 2008 2015 9.8% 10.2% 11.2% 79.4% 76.2% 84.5% 30.7% 28.8% 29.2% 12.0% 14.0% 12.5% 912.0 821.0 813.0 681.0 613.0 611.0 20.0 21.2 23.6 10.1 8.3 7.6 325.0 354.0 414.0 1052.0 1174.0 1334.0