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to be added to the dimensions mentioned above, to adopt a people-centred approach also based on their own perspectives and needs as stated in the World Health Organization strategy. The concept of integrated care is not limited to health services. The rising burden of chronic diseases and of the number of people with complex care needs requires delivery systems that bring together a range of professionals and skills from both the cure (healthcare) and care (long-term and social care) sectors. The concept of integrated care seems particularly important for service provision to the elderly, as elderly patients are often chronically ill and subject to co-morbidities. Thus, patients suffering from Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and other dementias could be included in these targets. In January 2017, HOPE adopted a position paper on integrated care, providing not only an overview of the current situation in Europe but also highlighting the challenges faced by European health systems as well as their differences. In Europe, the situation varies considerably across countries not only because of the demographic differences but also because of health and social systems rooted in different histories and cultures. European health systems are moving away (but not at the same pace) from the ‘treat and cure of acute conditions’ culture to face the challenges posed by the transition to an ageing demographic. Strategies that deal with organisational, financial, delivery and eHealth technology aspects have been adopted at the country or regional level. This is the context in which the ICT4Life project intends to provide its contribution, and will be discussed below. European health systems are moving away from the ‘treat and cure of acute conditions’ culture to face the challenges of an ageing demographic 128 HHE 2018 | hospitalhealthcare.com General description ICT4Life is a three-year project funded under Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, with the ambition of providing new services for integrated care employing user-friendly ICT tools, thereby ultimately increasing patients’ quality of life and autonomy at home. To reach this goal, ICT4Life is conducting breakthrough research and radical innovation and will implement the ICT4Life platform. Such a platform will deliver a series of innovative services to patients affected by Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and other dementias and also to health professionals and formal and informal care-givers. All solutions are developed following a user-centred methodology and tested in real-life scenarios. This initiative brings together nine partners representing academia, industry and end-user groups, all committed to improving patients’ lives and advancing Europe’s leadership role in personalised services for integrated care. The partners of this well-balanced and multidisciplinary consortium are: • Artica Telemedicina (Spain), which leads the project; • Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain); • Madrid Parkinson’s Association (Spain); • Netis Informatics Ltd (Hungary); • E-seniors (France); • CERTH – Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece);