HeyU Issue 54 - 24 April | Page 30

EXTROVERTS HOW YOU KNOW IF YOU’RE AN EXTROVERT • You’re quick to share your thoughts, feelings and ideas • You prefer brainstorming in large groups and communicating verbally • You find it easiest to recharge your batteries when you’re with other people • You make decisions quickly • You love getting attention STRENGTHS • • • • • • • Talking to people and making connections Verbal communication Accepting of change Find it easy to adapt Work well to tight deadlines Work well under pressure Think well on their feet WEAKNESSES • Distracted easily • Can voice opinions without thinking about how they might make others feel • Can be quick to judge • Their need to be social and talkative can be off- putting for more introverted group members TIPS FOR EXTROVERTS WHEN WORKING WITH INTROVERTS 1. Put your strengths to good use by making everyone in the group feel comfortable and confident enough to share their opinions. Try to encourage the introverts in the group to voice their thoughts and opinions by reinforcing that it’s a safe and collaborative space, but don’t force them or make a big deal out of the situation if they say they have nothing to add. 2. Extroverts are natural decision makers, so be conscious of rushing the group’s progress before the introverts have had time to think about their contributions. Instead, suggest a mini follow-up meeting or recap em ail to finalise the decision. 3. You’ll need to be patient with your introverted group members. If you have a concern about their contribution, don’t address it in front of the group. Pull them aside at the end of the meeting and talk to them one-on-one or consider a text message or email to give them time to re-read and process your message before responding. Sources: ConnectUS, ‘6 advantages and disadvantages of being an extrovert’. E Morgan, ‘How to connect with extroverts’, QuietRev. T Klosowski, ‘Let’s quit it with the introvert/extrovert nonsense’, QuietRev. Career assessment site, ‘Best careers for introverts and extroverts’. The secret to working together successfully and creating an end result to be proud of is learning how to embrace each other’s differences and work together effectively. Here is some information to help you do just that (information I wish I’d had at my fingertips when I was at uni to convince me not to avoid this opportunity!). being either, and most people exist somewhere on a continuum. The key to working together successfully is to understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses and be willing to work with different personality types. Still not sure whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert? Take this quiz to find out The most important thing to remember when working on a group assignment with both introverts and extroverts is to respect each other’s differences. There’s nothing wrong with For more advice on how to nail your next group work assignment, check out these 15 effective tips or, for a bit of fun, the top 5 excuses to avoid group work. WORDS: Emma Profke IMAGES: Shutterstock The views put forward in this alumni submission are those of the contributor and are not an official statement of the University of Southern Queensland.